Blackwater Gold Project Environmental Assessment Review

  • Partners: New Gold Inc., Ulkatcho First Nation, Lhoosk'uz Dené Nation
  • Location: Nechako Plateau, BC
  • Date: 2015 to present

KES was hired by the Ulkatcho First Nation and Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation to act as the technical review lead for the New Gold Inc. Blackwater Gold Project Environmental Assessment (EA) Review. In order to successfully review the complex 22 thousand-plus page document in a timely manner, KES brought on additional resources; this team included Shannon Shaw (Geochemist), John Brodie (Geotechnical Engineer), Stella Swanson (Risk Assessment & Cumulative Effects Expert), Clayton Apps (Wildlife Biologist), Kim Poole (Wildlife Biologist), Rina Freed (Environmental Engineer) and others. The KES team reviewed key parts of the EA document and uncovered a number of sizable technical issues which in turn has resulted in major technical improvements to the mine design, greatly reducing the potential environmental risks of the project and improving the understanding of local environmental values such as grizzly bear, moose and caribou. As part of the project, the KES team has made multiple presentations to the two communities where the projects key points were distilled down to layman terms to successfully engage the membership. In turn, KES brought the memberships concerns forward to the agencies and New Gold to ensure their voices were effectively heard. With the community knowledge, KES has attended Technical Working Group meetings and effectively promoted the community interests and concerns to ensure the best possible mine project was being considered.

Information regarding the EA process for the New Gold Inc. Blackwater Gold Project can be found at