Mike Robinson, MSC, RPBio
Senior Aquatic Ecologist

Mike, of Lotic Environmental has been working in the field of aquatic sciences for over ten years. He completed his MSc degree where his thesis investigated, for the first time, the ecological consequences of hybridization between native Westslope cutthroat trout and introduced Rainbow trout. This study in part, considered the effects of human-impacts, such as flow alterations, on the fish community and the potential spread of introduced species. As a consultant, Mike’s career has focused on Environmental Assessments and Ecological Restoration.
In regards to Environmental Assessment Mike has been involved in multiple projects, often acting as the Fish and Fish Habitat discipline lead. He has been an author on gap analysis reports, baseline work plans, and Baseline Assessment reports. Mike has also completed environmental effects studies, including assessing the effects of substrate manipulation on benthic macroinvertebrate communities.
Regarding Ecological Restoration, Mike has experience designing and implementing habitat restoration prescriptions. He is currently leading multidisciplinary teams in identifying and designing habitat offsetting projects throughout the several watersheds in BC and Alberta. Mike has lead projects investigating fish distributions in British Columbia and Alberta, to assist with Federal Species At Risk recovery plans. Mike has a strong understanding of scientific design and statistical analysis, and provides a balance of research, education and experience.