Table Mountain and Taurus Mine Reclamation and Closure

  • Partners: Cassiar Gold Corp., Kaska Nation
  • Location: Jade City, BC
  • Date: 2020 to present

Located in the beautiful Cassiar Mountain Range, the Table Mountain Mine site and Taurus Mine site lie within the Canadian boreal forest. This area has a long history of mining exploration and development. The location is home to a variety of native plant and animal species, including healthy populations of caribou and sheep. Restoring historical mining sites will greatly increase the contributions to natural systems and local biodiversity.

Since 2020, KES has been working on a closure and reclamation plan for the Table Mountain and Taurus mine sites. To achieve this, KES has undertaken a field component that includes soil sampling, water sampling, geochemical analysis, vegetation sampling, road assessment, terrestrial ecosystem mapping, as well as numerous other inspection and monitoring programs. The KES team has been able to prioritize areas of reclamation needs and recommend best management practices to be implemented over the next several years. Through this work, KES has helped the Proponent bring the sites into compliance with the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in BC. KES has also had the opportunity to work with the Kaska Nation during the course of the project to gain further insight into the traditional importance of the land, and gather recommendations based on traditional knowledge.